Far East Cynic

Worth two hours of your time.

Contrary to popular belief in America, there is something more important in the world than whether Ben Affleck will play Batman or Miley Cyrus' performance at the video awards.

This 2+ hour video from C-span is worth your time. Yesterday was a bad day for David Cameron-but it was a great day for democracy. Its also a good primer on the issues in Syria.


If you are pressed for time just watch David Cameron's speech and Ed Milibrand's at the begining.


  1. I only wish the US political system allowed the President to actually sit in front of Congress and debate his proposals like in GBR.  Maybe we wouldn't have had such people as Bush (W) or Obama in office, since they can't seem to argue their points in a manner that one would expect.  Curious, does the lobbyist groups have as much hold on MP's as they do in the States?