Far East Cynic

Road trip

"Skippy, Paul Ryan has us on double secret sequester probation,  whatever that is."

" I know that".

" And you are already taking a 20 % pay cut-that you didn't deserve and can't afford."

"I know that too".

" And furthermore-you've got a stack of credit card bills that would choke a horse. American Express is probably going to be sending a hit man your way in short order. And you are still stuck paying all that blood money to that whore of an ex-wife of yours!"

"Hoover, I'm not following you. What is it you're trying to tell me?"

"Damn it man-I'm telling you that you probably need to stay home and save some money! These damn furloughs are no joke!. And furthermore-thanks to what the House did to the Defense budget a few days ago, layoffs next year are pretty much guaranteed. Doesn't that scare you-even a little bit?"

"Well, I'll tell you Hoover-it scares the shit out of me. Don't you think I know all those things? Of course I need money. I need lots of money-and they don't sell Powerball tickets over here. I'm pretty much fucked."

"So what are you going to do?"

"Road trip."


" Let me clue you in pal-they are going to nail us no matter what we do, so…we …might ….as …..well….have ….a good time. See you later pal, I'm off to Dublin!"

"You'll be sorry!"

"Probably-especially when I stagger out of the pub. Speaking of which, can I borrow 50 bucks?"

Hoover stomps off cursing.

And on that note-I'm off to Dublin! First pint's on Hoover!

  1. Animal House, great movie!  Prior to the scene you describe, I had a similar experience that may have been one of the factors for me reaching my "terminal paygrade" at the level I retired.  Back on my first DH tour, my ship out of Hawaii made an inter-island visit to Maui.  Also anchored there was another USN ship, who had the former CO of my ship and the PCO of that ship onboard in a familiariztion cruise for pre-CO.  My ship's CO, and the former CO, and the PCO of the other ship were all females.

    So a plan was agreed for the wardroom to meet for dinner.  I had plans on going but another officer and I met with some other "entertainers" and we decided to skip, and went to a local hot spot.  We were there, closing deals, and then the CO, and her entourage walked in, just like Dean Wermer.  One of the other officers noted I had that look on my face just as the Delta guys did when Dean Wermer walked into the house and they all started to try to hide the beers that they had.  Of course the CO told me not to worry, but I guess when her Ops Officer decides to carouse with the local talent, and not go to dinner and get belittled, well it sits in the back of the mind around FIREP time.

    But, it was worth it!