Far East Cynic

The truth the poster child won’t tell you.

I went to body pump after work tonight. Angie, who is actually a very good instructor, decided that we all needed extra beatings in anticipation of the upcoming weekend. Suffice it to say I was dragging ass by the time we got to the pushups and crunches. They suck!

I had begun a long post  about Wisconsin and the bait and switch tactics that Scott Walker is using, in concert with his other sick GOP governor buddies, to try complete the cruxifiction of the middle class. But that will have to wait till tomorrow.

However, I would like to steer you towards a mini-book I downloaded last night for my I-pad. It is called, The Great Stagnation: How America Ate All The Low-Hanging Fruit of Modern History,Got Sick, and Will (Eventually) Feel Better.

It is by a guy named Tyler Cowen and his central premise is both pessimistic and optimistic in the long term. His thesis is, that our tired old notion of American exceptionalism-something the poster child repeats again and again to the fat, lazy and ignorant specimens of Americana who adore him-just isn’t going to sustain the USA for either the short or the long term. Allen West’s dream of rerturning to McKinelyville will destroy the very people who elected him. Cowen makes no secret that for the short term at least, life for the middle class is going to get worse and worse:

America is in disarray and our economy is failing us. We have been through the biggest financial crisis since the Great Depression, unemployment remains stubbornly high, and talk of a double-dip recession persists. Americans are not pulling the world economy out of its sluggish state — if anything we are looking to Asia to drive a recovery.Median wages have risen only slowly since the 1970s, and this multi-decade stagnation is not yet over. By contrast, the living standards of earlier generations would double every few decades. The Democratic Party seeks to expand government spending even when the middle class feels squeezed, the public sector doesn’t always perform well, and we have no good plan for paying for forthcoming entitlement spending. To the extent Republicans have a consistent platform, it consists of unrealistic claims about how tax cuts will raise revenue and stimulate economic growth. The Republicans, when they hold power, are often a bigger fiscal disaster than the Democrats. How did we get into this mess?Imagine a tropical island where the citrus and bananas hang from the trees. Low-hanging literal fruit — you don’t even have to cook the stuff.In a figurative sense, the American economy has enjoyed lots of low-hanging fruit since at least the seventeenth century: free land; immigrant labor; and powerful new technologies. Yet during the last forty years, that low-hanging fruit started disappearing and we started pretending it was still there. We have failed to recognize that we are at a technological plateau and the trees are barer than we would like to think. That’s it. That is what has gone wrong.The problem won’t be solved overnight, but there are reasons to be optimistic. We simply have to recognize the underlying causes of our past prosperity—low hanging fruit—and how we will come upon more of it.

Now Mr West-does not like to hear that-he’d rather place the blame on anyone else-Muslims, Unions, CAIR, Olbermann, or any other convienent scapegoat- that his learning impaired followers love to hear bashed.

The problem is, as an explanation its lacking. Cowen’s central idea is that the pace of innovation has slowed, and that we are now on a “technological plateau” that makes further growth challenging. If you consider technology in the broad sense (energy, transportation, home, etc), this makes sense as things have not changed a lot in recent decades.

He points out too, that what technological innovations that have occured-and he fixates here on the internet, are actually accelerating the growth of income inequality, because in the long run they don’t enhance GDP. Without, some careful planning-and redefinition of our values, the technological growth will only reduce available jobs-not add them. Which is fine for the rich bastards at the top of the scale-but sucks for the rest of us.

I’m looking forward to see how he proposes we get out of that time trap.

  1. when you do your partisan rant about Wisconsin I’d like to know this: The largest Wisconsin Teachers Union gave over 1 million dollars to various politicians during the last 10 years ad I know i was SHOCKEd to learn that the recipients of their largess were mostly, wait for it, Democrats…
    But my question is this..when a Union sets up a PAC, WHO decides which candidates to support?
    To wit:
    The AFT, Randi Weingarten and Co, supported the anti Michelle Rhee candidate in Washington DC, over 1 million dollars..I have no idea why (TIC) and so on…..
    But there MUST be a few teachers in that woebegotten cesspool of an education system in DC that felt that drastic reform was needed…So IF you were a teacher that wanted change what recourse would you have when you see YOUR union supporting a candidate that you did not believe in?
    After all its your dues money that they are spending eh?
    By the way, have you ever met a Dumba**, ignorant, neo luddite LIBERAL?

  2. Richard, that’s not the point. And thanks to Citizens United, corporations and wealthy billionaires outspent unions 4-1.

    What is the point is that Scott Walker is engaged in a bait and switch tactic by trying to change the rules and destroy the unions. What has gotten very little play are the other points of his proposal-namely that he is trying to see control of Medicaid, for the purpose of dropping a significant number of folks, AND privatizing state services through no-bid contracts.

    Yes I have met misguided liberals, but they generally don’t have the leve of ignorance you Mark 1 Mod 0 Teabagger has.

  3. The Koch Brothers are each 1000 years old and multi billionaires…I really doubt they are supporting certain causes because they want to make MORE money..what would be the point?

  4. Richard, AFT does not use union dues for political activism. They have a separate PAC set up for that. The PAC does not get union dues. In order for the PAC to raise money, they have to ask the union members to donate – specifically – to the PAC.

    It turns out there are many tens of thousands of AFT members who are Republicans and they as a rule don’t tend to donate to the PAC. Let me hammer that one more time. Political activism is completely optional.

    A cynic like me might argue that the separation is a paper wall, but I think you’ll agree that if a Republican administration could have found a way to legally sanction the AFT’s political activity, they would have. It follows then that the separation is in fact real, that AFT union dues are not going toward political activity. Hard to believe, I know.

    As for the AFT PAC spending a million dollars, I think you’ll see that not as representative of the might of the union but rather its poverty. The AFT has a million and a half members. Spending a million dollars is less than a dollar per member. Clearly, they aren’t getting the kind of donations they’d like.

  5. The First Amendment seems alive and well for the moment. Here is an interesting thought – and by thought I mean something to ponder, I haven’t got an answer. The AFT spent $29M on political activism. None of their donors donated more than $50k. It averages out to $19 per person. Koch Industries spent $11M. Charles kicked in $500k and David kicked in $2M, so between the two of them, they spent $2.5M for an average of $1.25M per person. AFT spent $600k on lobbying, Koch spent $6M. Their recent campaign donations are roughly similar in spending per candidate.

    Which group seems more democratic, that is, reflecting the will of ‘the people’ (that’s not easy to define, is it?) – a public organization with 1.5M members or a private organization dominated by 2? I don’t have an answer; there may not BE one right answer. I don’t demonize the Koch brothers for their redress of grievances but I don’t think that the AFT quite carries the same weight per person that the Koch brothers do. In order to be as equal, they’d need to spend $1.25M per member, or $1.9T.

    In absolute dollars of course, Koch Industries spent about a third as much as AFT. There are several ways to look at that. Maybe Koch can’t sell their ideas as well as the AFT can; maybe the marketplace of ideas has spoken. It just might be that a million and a half AFT members reflects the will of the US public 3 times better than the Koch brothers do.

    Like I said, I don’t have the answers, but it is interesting to think about issues of representation, lobbying as a focus for representation and what it means when we say ‘one man, one vote’.

  6. Democrats = Detroit

    I think the record speaks for itself and is far less dishonest than the author with his prattle about how Democrats are less profligate of the fisc than Republicans.

  7. There is a major urban center ruled by Republicans only for the last 40 years that you want to put on display? OK. Bring it on.