Far East Cynic

Christmas wish……

someecards.com - All I want for Christmas this year is the 2008 version of Obama

  1. Me too. But methinks he in sort of like Jimmy Carter. A decent very intelligent educated man who really thinks about the issues.

    A wise psychologist friend once taught me it is very difficult to be rational with the irrational. That is the position Obama finds himself.

  2. So what you are saying is that he is not now who you thought he was going to be then?

  3. Cy-Kick,

    Not saying that at all. Saying he is trying to deal with a whole passel of irrational people. He is who I thought he was. Still feel he much better than the alternative.

  4. When you are are exposed as the community organizer / agitator you can’t go back. Just ask Tiger.