Far East Cynic

Point well taken….

By David Frum:

Palin supporters have constructed an alternative reality in which their heroine is wildly cheered by the American yeomanry, and despised only by a small coterie of sherry-drinking snobs. No contrary evidence, no matter how overwhelming and uncontradicted, can alter this view: not the collapse in Palin’s support in just 5 weeks in 2008, not the statistical studies that show her as the only vice presidential nominee in history to have hurt her ticket, not her rampant unpopularity with American women, not her own flinching from a second encounter with the Alaskan electorate.

In this regard, Continentti’s comparison of Palin to William Jennings Bryan begins to look not only apt, but ominous.

Take this as an opening salvo-its time, yet again, to disabuse the Palinistas of their fantasy once more-and show them them what lies beneath the glasses, the dress and the lipstick. A cold hearted fraud, who is in it for number one.

  1. The far-right wing of the Republican Party figured out how to dominate the primary process in their stronghold states, but were unable to expand beyond that – hence the Republican nominee became John McCain. They had 2 choices: sit it out and withhold their support for McCain (who they couldn’t stand) or try a long shot. The Republican power brokers found and pushed Sarah Palin – elected governor/evangelical/moose-shooting NRA pin-up girl/and staunch anti-abortionist. Their plan was cynical: – 1) they were betting the American electorate would not elect a black man and 2) betting McCain (given his age and health record) would die in office – thus elevating Palin to the presidency. Their play was all about the Supreme Court. It was highly probable that the next President would get at least 2 Supreme Court nominations (Souter was a surprise) – Ginsburg and Stevens were the most likely not to last beyond a first or second term, and both were liberal – which meant the chance to appoint two conservative justices and thereby have a shot of overturning Roe v. Wade (the Holy Grail of the right wing extremists) . McCain folded like a lawn chair and sold out to the right in exchange for the support of the activist base. The plan unraveled like a cheap suit when Sarah started doing interviews with the MSM, and Obama’s (brilliantly executed) campaign caught fire. Sarah Palin was a single shot weapon launched at long range and fell far short of the target. The conditions that got her the nomination are not likely to come into alignment again anytime soon – probably not in my lifetime. Rev Dobson saw this, and retired – but the extreme right can’t let go and keeps pushing for her. In the unlikely event she can stay in the limelight until the next primary, I doubt she can survive the process of an extended multi-state/ multi-candidate primary process. Her chances are essentially nil.

  2. You know Skippy, it all boils down, in the end. You’re a complete non hacker and you remain proud of it.

    Her record?

    Unlike your flag bearer, she does have a record.

    Why don’t you just read her record aloud to us deleted deleted deleted deleted. OK, let’s try this again. You are not too stupid to know that she was a governor and thus has a track record of leadership that any total and complete moron can access on line. Why don’t you spend a few minutes accessing it and then giving us some details about her here? WHY DON’T YOU TRY HER RECORD ONLINE AS A MAYOR?

    You progressives make me sick. You hate her but why? You can never explain that. You don’t feel that you have to. Cause your progressive.

    She’s smart as hell, cute and sexy. You appear to hate two parts of that.

  3. I hate her because she is a fraud-who will drag down the GOP with it. I can see that-clearly you cannot.

    As for her record-its not exactly a great one. As Mayor she:

    Left her town in debt. Palin’s administration had fouled up the land purchase of the sports center and didn’t have legal title. The matter ended up in court, and the city ultimately paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in interest and legal fees.

    Provoked at least two lawsuits for breach of promise.

    Betrayed one of her supporters-by dismissing anyone who disagreed with her-even one she promised to keep on.

    That’s just for starters.

    And as for her record as governor-imagine the record she could have accumulated if she had stayed in office…………………………………..

  4. submitted a list of books to remove from the public library…

    Opps, time to go have my Sherry, er Cognac.

  5. Gee,
    Would that record look anything like Obamas record if he’d stayed in office…. or Hillary’s….or McHughs……or Sibellius or Biden’s….. Probably look a lot better than Frank’s at the end of the day or any of our black legislators who all seem to be under some sort of investigation by the ethics committee jokers.

    Now you know something really really secret. There’s a town somewhere in America that IS NOT IN DEBT? Holy Cow! I live in San Diego and the morons are once again talking about maybe how we should pay another billion $ to build a new stadium so the football team that we sort of have will stay here and not move to Escondido or LA. The city went way into debt to rebuild Jack Murphy Stadium in order to keep the football team. You should see the crime that is our public pension scheme. The pols are mostly kicking that can down the road but wow. We had a sort of loser lawyer who used to bring out little matters of zillion $ liabilities that the city seems to have inherited and indeed, I can remember not to long ago that people used to discuss Chula Vista as a wealthy, well endowed little city but that was before they appear to have gone utterly broke, all of a sudden. Can you believe this town? We paid hundreds of millions to the Chargers and those bastards routinely threaten us with black outs unless they sell out every seat. Democrats is what I’m thinking.

    Something you wrote about purchasing land and legal title…..I’m not altogether sure I follow. More of a leader really but aside from that, just what asshat is responsible for all the legal niceties of buying property anywhere in America? Isn’t it the guy you pay to do a title search? It’s not, you know, the damned mayor is it? It’s usually a person with a real estate license and mostly it’s a damned lawyer. How did it become Palin’s fault?

    You want to see law suits? Here locally we have a city turd that appeared to give permission to a dirtbag (very famous, very rich) to build himself a building by one of the local airfields. Said building was one story higher than the FAA wanted. After months of wrangling, said building was reduced in height by one story. That one law suit cost us taxpayers millions. You know we had Paul Voelker in to investigate a matter for us and that cost millions too. He and his firm investigated for over 9 months on a little thing that you or I would have required 6 minutes to get to the bottom of. Shit. I guess that’s why neither one of is a zillionaire. We don’t quite understand how to stick it to the citizenry the way they do.

    Betrayed a supporter you say. NO! That just never ever happens with politicians. Ever.

    Do you know what’s really funny? Scuzzyfava was nominated by her local GOP and ran as the GOP candidate and when she was dimed out for being an actual, no shit democrat, dropped out of the race and she threw her support to the democrat. Wipe off the lipstick, rip off the red dress and Sarah Palin, she’ll still be a rather fetching conservative and not some sort of despicable whatchamacallit.

    Left a town in debt, like all towns,
    Some sort of fraud but not at all like scuzzyfava. I guess she’s a genuine fraud.
    Provoked 2 whole lawsuits. Still a bit shy of being, you know, impeached.
    Betrayed, you say, a supporter.

    Dude, I can’t wait until she drives her car into a lake and then walks away leaving a girl to drown.

    She’s not a kleagle of the ku klux clan is she? (Kleagle? I just make this shit up)

    She’s not suddenly going to burst out and accuse you and me and all our brothers and sisters in uniform of committing war crimes and atrocities is she?

    She’s not likely to steer billions of federal $ to her husband’s company is she? Oh yeah, he’s got a boat, not a company.

    She’s not going to go raving mad about some sort of climate change and then get rich off the scheme?

    and, we’re forced to admit that she is most unlikely to win the Nobel Peace Prize like that other quitter from Chicago did after he quit. Do you recall the governor of that state trying to come up with a replacement for the quitter who had not too obviously tried to bribe him? That guy already has his mausoleum built and engraved. Well, OK Gore probably does to and maybe even that douche whatshisname who’s wife has been dying of cancer for a decade who had a kid with another girl and hid in the bathroom of some hotel in LA in the not to distant past who’s name I forget but who was like the democratic nominee for VP a few years ago.

    You know, it’s odd just how despicable democratic politicians are…there’s a youtube of one of them, a despicable, black female democrat who got herself permanently banned from flying one particular airline. but I digress….Have you noticed how republicans who stray into the open shameless libido all instantly resign public office and yet how asshats like Murtha and Franks and 327 other democrats just continue on as if nothing happened? Say, is that total loser with 90K on ice in his freezer still in public office or is he staying in Barney’s house in the Dominican Republic rent and tax free?

    Oh well, took up too much of your bandwidth, most of your readers hate me enough but Sarah Palin, she rocks. Your rather miniscule disliking her…just contrast that if you will with the Lightworker. Truly, who strikes you as the more ethical, honest, non-communist, non-terrorist? That is what she was running against. Hopefully, she’ll compete again.

  6. Scozzafava, now you’re in my neck of the woods. Get your facts straight before you start berating somebody. This is great example of how the GOP fucked up again. NY23 is way upstate and as red as they come in NY. Scozzafava was a walk in win for the election, had she not been skewered by the national rethuglican party, and that would have been one more congressional seat caucusing on the GOP side of the aisle more or less.

    She was in the NY assembly since 1998, during which her voting record was more centerist than most of her counterparts, but she towed the republican party line on votes that mattered. What you might call a team player. She had the support of all of the state republicans, all of the county republicans, etc.

    Her main differences with the national GOP is she is pro abortion and pro gay marriage. And for that she was labeled “not conservative enough” by St. Sarah and her band of merry cohorts. They split the vote with a conservative party candidate. Scozzafava dropped out mainly because the pressure from the national spotlight was too great. She endorsed the democratic candidate out of spite.

    Apparently, the people of NY23 are conservative, but they are not stupid. Neither do they share St. Sarah version of America returning to 18th century puritainism and rejected the candidate put forward by the anointed one, electing a democrat for the first time in over one hundred years.

    Palin is an intellectual midget, I look forward to her running in the 2012 race so I can laugh at her incomprehensible sentence structure and idiotic coin conspiracy theories.

    Time for my morning latte.

  7. Yeah the guys like Paul make me scratch my head since they just don’t get that we vocally disliked her selection because we thought she a liberal republican, we didn’t like her because she is a democrat and therefore not at likely to support our interests. How’d he feel if his party nominated Sara Palin to run for the Democratic Party congressional seat in his district? It’s the inherent dishonesty that pisses me off. But you don’t make changes without big waves. I’m confident that 2010 will be fun year for some of us. All those deeply richly experienced democratic politicians that are ruining business, banking, health care, ….

    Oh well, in the Far East and not Korea finally, and have a glorious week here.