Far East Cynic


I am over my crankiness of earlier ( well sort of….). So I spent some time with the S.O. tonight, because she deserved some attention and kindness.  We watched the movie Sideways, so we could see where we had been last week. It all looks bigger in the movies.

Today is the anniversary of a horrible event-one that has come to define the entire first decade of the 21st century. That’s both a good and a bad thing but today is not the day to explain that.

Instead-remember, the 3,500 people whose lives were cut tragically short by Islamic foolishness:


  1. Skippy,
    I would say evil islamic fundamentalists, vice foolishness, foolishness makes it sound like they were frat boys with a prank gone bad, instead of evil,warped, oppressive assholes who need to be purged off the planet with extreme prejudice.

  2. There was not intent to diminish the seriousness of the event-I was just trying to get the post done quickly at the end of a long day.

    It would seem to me though that the key word is Islamic. We’ve killed how many 1000’s of the evil warped oppressive assholes and has the world gotten any better? Not very much. Its Islam that allows the ideas to grow that sent these guys on their way. Until it, as a religion, is made irrelevant, the threat will always be with us.