Far East Cynic

Senator Kennedy

I have nothing of substance to contribute to the assessment of his career right now but just wanted to add my condolences. I’ve spent as much time as anyone bad mouthing him in my earlier years-and I did not agree with all of his positions. I will agree with those who say he was better than a lot of our current crop of Senators at getting things done legislatively.

My biggest question will be how long the discussion about this event can stay civil. My bet is not very long.

  1. Agree. At least he was civil to those who disagreed and seemed to believe politcs should not be personal.

  2. A man who can’t govern his own life should never be entrusted with the government of others.

  3. Horseshit.

    A man’s private life is his own business and Americans are too worried about who sleeps with who anyway. As for Robert Bork-well that was mild compared to the nonsense we hear today.

  4. Horsehit.

    Who was digging into the movie rental history of Clarence Thomas? “A man’s private life is his own business”, my ass.