Far East Cynic

Another voice silenced…..

Robert Novak is dead. And for that-we are that much the poorer.


That Novak would hire a leg-man to go around Washington sniffing out news reflected the virtue at the heart of his work:  His columns, while they resided on the op-ed pages, were built upon previously unreported facts that revealed and explained the machinations of government, the men and women in power, and the politics behind it all.  His job demanded he get a constant flow of new information, but curiosity and a thirst for knowledge were natural traits for him. 

Bob Novak was, above all, a reporter. Watching him work was a delightful education in reporting.  

The world needs more reporters-reporters who actually understand what that term really means. Novak was one of those folks.




  1. Oh how can you say that!? He outed Valerie Plame! He should be in jail alongside Cheney and Rove and Bushhitler and all those other rethuglicans who started the war with Afraq!!!!!

    Sheesh, I just invented my own new country..AFRAQ. I like it.